Delphi Compiler Defines

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Delphi 64-bit Compiler Preview and XE2. Integer will remain 32-bits, which is a bit unexpected since Integer was 16-bits in Delphi 1 and became 32-bits in Delphi 2 and higher. The main reason is that Integers can now still be used in stream files (because the size of an integer does not change between 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Delphi). Delphi 10.1 Berlin - Delphi 7 Differences (November 2016) Embarcadero is currently offering Delphi 10.1 Berlin as a free download which has increased the interest in upgrading Delphi 7 code. A viewer recently converted our Akerue program which ran but failed to find words. The problem turned out to be the bs.

Delphi 7: Is it possible to put a compiler conditionals in the IDE (like Tools, Environment options) rather than in a project under Project, Options, Conditionals?

Delphi Compiler Defines

Top apk downloads. We have a compiler directive that needs to be defined when compiling on developers' machines, but undefined when we build releases.

We don't want to use IFDEF DEBUG, since occasionally we ship code with debugging on.

We don't want to use an include file, because we'd risk it getting swept up into our source code control system.

Ideally, we would be able to create a compiler directive like we can an IDE environment variable where it wouldn't be saved in our source tree.

Any suggestions??


4 Answers

The solution is to use a build tool like FinalBuilder to do your building. This way you can be completely sure that you ship a good build every time, and not forget to set some option back to what it should be. I used to take a real day doing builds, now it is a click and I'm done.

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Automating it will be hard (although your restriction on include files sounds a bit artifical, simply put the thing in source control and replace the version on disk with a different one during build script), why not force your individual developers to turn it on manually?

  1. Introduce an extra DEFINE in the build script (e.g. FINAL_BUILD)
  2. Introduce a compile time error in the source code forcing your developers to turn it on.

Finally, introduce a similar compile time error to make sure the FINAL_BUILD and special directive are never turned on at the same time.


You can use Conditional defines in project options

Delphi compiler version defines

this will pass your custom defines to compiler when begin compile of project

follow this in Delphi IDEProject > Options > Delphi Compiler > Conditional defines


Of course, adding {$DEFINE MYCONDITION} in your code would add a custom directive which you could check with {$IFDEF MYCONDITION} but this you should already know. However, if you compile your project from the commandlineDCC32 -D MYCONDITION .. then you can compile it with (or without) that option.

Delphi Compiler Defines
Wim ten BrinkWim ten Brink

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Conditional compilation is based on the existence and evaluation of constants, the status of compiler switches, and the definition of conditional symbols.
Conditional symbols work like Boolean variables: they are either defined (true) or undefined (false). Any valid conditional symbol is treated as false until it has been defined. The {$DEFINE} directive sets a specified symbol to true, and the {$UNDEF} directive sets it to false. You can also define a conditional symbol by using the -D switch with the command-line compiler or by adding the symbol to the Conditional Defines field on the Project > Options > Delphi Compiler page.
The conditional directives {$IFDEF}, {$IFNDEF}, {$IF}, {$ELSEIF}, {$ELSE}, {$ENDIF}, and {$IFEND} allow you to compile or suppress code based on the status of a conditional symbol. {$IF} and {$ELSEIF} allow you to base conditional compilation on declared Delphi identifiers. {$IFOPT} compiles or suppresses code depending on whether a specified compiler switch is enabled.
For example, the following Delphi code snippet processes differently depending on whether the DEBUG conditional define is set. You can set conditional defines on the Project > Options > Delphi Compiler page or by entering {$DEFINE DEBUG} in your code:
Writeln('Debug is on.'); // This code executes.
Writeln('Debug is off.'); // This code does not execute.

Note: Conditional symbols are not Delphi identifiers and cannot be referenced in actual program code. Similarly, Delphi identifiers cannot be referenced in any conditional directives other than {$IF} and {$ELSEIF}.
Note: Conditional definitions are evaluated only when source code is recompiled. If you change a conditional symbol's status and then rebuild a project, source code in unchanged units may not be recompiled. Use Project > Build All Projects to ensure that everything in your project reflects the current status of conditional symbols.