Pokemon Xy Rom Hack Download
Play Pokemon X and Y online with Game Boy Advance browser emulation for free! Pokemon X and Y is a rom hack of Pokemon Emerald (GBA). Play it with our flash, java and rgr plugin emulators. Nothing to configure, we've done it for you! May 22, 2016 - If you're looking to play Pokemon X and Y, the official 3DS games, on your GBA emulator, please note that it's simply not possible! Below, I've provided download links to 3 hacks with the name 'X and Y'. None of them are very good, but the best would be 'Mega Emerald X & Y'.
Game Boy Advance Game (GBA)
Game Rating
Play with all the generation VI Pokemon, challenge Gym leaders, and defeat the Elite Four and have fun in this Pokemon Emerald ROM hack called Pokemon X and Y! This ROM hack has an entire new map/ region, and lots and lots of added Pokemon from other generations. Go on your adventure while using different Pokemon combinations including the Pokemon that can only be played in the NDS version of the game! Good luck!
The game features:
- Generation VI Pokemon with all their moves, evolutions, sprites, and more.
- Unchanged original story from the base game Pokemon Emerald
- Updated graphics from new sprites to animations
- New region to explore and conquer
Emulator Controls
←→↑↓ = Directions
Z = A X = B

A = L S = R
enter ↵ = Start
Pokemon X Rom
← backspace = Select
Related Games

Pokemon X and Y is an online GBA game that you can play at Emulator Online. This free Game Boy Advance game is the United States of America region version for the USA. Pokemon X and Y is a single title from the many strategy games, platform games and pokemon games offered for this console. If you enjoyed playing this, then you can find similar games in the gba games category. Pokemon X and Y game is from the various retro games on the site, and there are more games like this, including Pokemon Fire Red Version, Pokemon Mega Emerald X & Y and Pokemon Ash Gray.
Pokemon X And Y Gba Rom Download
Pokemon X and Y GBA Rom Free Download Ever wanted to play Pokemon x and y but don’t have a 3ds? Waiting for citra to make the next breakthrough? play this Pokemon x and y concise for the GBA as you catch new pokemon and battle the mighty team flare. experience the new x and y like you never have before: classical style.
Pokemon X and Y GBA
GBA Game: Pokemon X and Y (Hack)
Release Date: 2014
Genre: RPG
Publisher: XY
Region: (hack)
Languages: English
Pokemon X and Y hack GBA ROM Download
Download Size: 5 MB
Recommended emulator for GameBoy ROMs: VisualBoy Advance.